Conversations with Veraunda
Change Management
Work/Life Balance
Solo Traveling
Stress Management
Time Management
Navigating through a Divorce/Break-up
Assessing your Career Options
Navigating through Career Transitions
Overcoming fear of Public Speaking
Navigating College including Law School
Clarifying your gifts and passion to help you walk in your purpose.
Living “IN” your Dream
Being your Accountability Partner
Veraunda is a Resiliency Life Coach
*As a certified Life Coach she specializes in:
"Let's just tell the truth!"
As an attorney, international speaker and author of three books, I have traveled a tremendous journey filled with ups and downs. Just like you, when I think I am on a solid path there will be a twist or turn, followed by another hurdle to overcome. I remember sharing some of these hurdles for the first time in front of an audience of about 300 people as a keynote speaker for my sorority, (Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.) back in the mid 1990s. Here I was this prosecuting attorney, president of one of our local bar associations, involved in all kinds of community and faith based organizations...but behind the scenes, I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and still searching for personal fulfillment. The response from the audience, affirming I was not alone in these feelings, led me to write my first book, "Everything has a price!" which opened up the world for me.
Simply, being honest changed the trajectory of my life in an unimaginable way! EHAP Inc. was born in 1998 as a personal and professional development company to encourage others to keep jumping life hurdles through authentic and practical presentations, publications and conversations.
As I have traveled around the world encouraging and empowering thousands of people my focus has been on keeping people at the heart of the matter. What these interactions with individuals from all walks of life, various ethnic, professional and economic backgrounds, has taught me is "life happens to everyone!" So let's stop talking around the situations and start talk through them!​​
What are clients saying?
Veraunda, I have to be honest, I was skeptical about a series of conversations being "life changing." But they were and the results have been very positive! Thank you for this space filled with honesty, compassion, accountability and support.
Individual Coaching Client
Wow, when you talk about perceptions shifting, these "Conversations" with you really transformative and helped me recognize my patterns and reframe my life.
Individual Coaching Client
These conversations came at just the right time! They have been awesome and life changing! I am enjoying recreating my life.
Group Coaching Client

In 1999 I wrote a book for teenagers and started a youth empowerment program called, "Behind the Scenes!" the subtitle was a safe place for teens to grow. What I didn't realize was that as adults, we needed the same!
After getting off the stage, people would stay after to talk to me about some of the hard places in their own lives. They wanted and needed a safe place to grow!
In essence, what they were saying to me is faith based communities, social and professional organizations, therapy offices are all great, but where do we go when just we want an authentic, non-judgemental one on one conversation to help us grow forward? As a certified Life Coach, I have created that place for you within "Conversations with Veraunda!"

How I serve you:
Conversations with Veraunda is that safe place where we re-evaluate, re-imagine and recreate your life.
We start with a non-judgmental and authentic conversation filled with compassion and grace around simply telling ourselves the truth...all of it!
I use the GROW and positive psychology coaching methodology.
G-Goals you desire to achieve.
R-Reality assessment to help us make informed decisions
O-Options and obstacles we need to consider while making decisions
W-Will combined with creating a way forward to make the plan a reality.

In our time together we will:
Explore your dreams/goals and heart's desires
Focus on finding what brings you peace and joy to help create balance in your life
Examine the reality of your current season
Discuss your obstacles and the options to overcome them
Finally, we will ask the big question...What are YOU WILLING to do differently which helps us formulate a strategic action plan to create change in your situation.
In essence, what we do in these conversations is look beneath the surface of what you are showing the world to discover practical answers and formulate a solid plan to help you move from having a dream to making your visions a reality. No games, no gimmicks, just safe and solid conversations with strategic outcomes.
Life is a journey, let's travel it together!
Let's get started!
Are you ready to join me in conversations? Do you desire to have a safe as well as neutral place of solution oriented support? If your answer is "YES!" it is as simple as scheduling below for your initial complimentary 30 minute discovery conversation with me. I look forward to growing with you!

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