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"Everything Has a Price!"
"Everything Has a Price!," the title of Veraunda Jackson's debut motivational writing, epitomizes Veraunda. One of the prices Veraunda paid was giving up a successful career as an Assistant State Attorney to devote her energies to the increasing demand for her talents as a dynamic and powerful motivational speaker around the world. Veraunda's life is a testament to her belief…"if you have the strength to survive, you have the power to succeed!  She has proven that time and again throughout her impressive life.
Starting at the age of twelve, when she stood before the local Optimist Club to tell an enraptured audience what America meant to her, Veraunda knew that her voice was meant to be heard. Throughout the next five years, she spent as much time behind podiums and microphones as she did in class. Veraunda was hooked…and so were her audiences!
Veraunda took the mic once again in a different way while a student at Florida State University. She was the soothing, sophisticated, and sexy Cindy Spice, one of the most popular on-air personalities on radio station WFHT in Tallahassee, Florida. She could also be seen as well as heard challenging television audiences with her popular college talk show "It's On You." 
Veraunda, no stranger to hard work, also drove a city bus, working a combined total of 60 to 80 hours a week, while still maintaining a 3.2 grade point average.
With an undergraduate degree in communications under her belt, Veraunda set out for another challenge by enrolling in the Florida State University College of Law. Shortly after receiving her law degree, she returned to her hometown of Orlando, Florida and served as an Assistant State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida.
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Veraunda helped others as a legal advocate for the citizens of Florida and at the same time reaped numerous awards and rewards. During her five years as a prosecuting attorney, she tackled a wide variety of assignments including DUI's, traffic, juvenile, domestic violence, drugs and robberies. Her last assignment as a prosecutor was in the specialized unit of sex crimes and child abuse. Veraunda successfully prosecuted the first adult gang case in the Ninth Judicial Circuit and only one year after graduating law school was the recipient of the NAACP-Paul C. Perkins Bar Award for Outstanding Attorney of the Year.
Even while managing her career as an attorney, Veraunda combined her skill of public speaking with her desire to help others as an adjunct professor of public speaking at Valencia Community College in Orlando. Her students consistently sung her praises, proclaiming that she makes public speaking, universally the most feared collegiate course, both fun and challenging. Veraunda has a love for teaching and has been a legal instructor at Valencia college since 1996. She has taught Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers at the School of Public Safety among other courses.
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Multitalented, Veraunda spent time acting and modeling in Central Florida prior to devoting her time to traveling the world to empower others. She has appeared in commercials and industrials for American Express, Benjamin Moore Paints, and Harcourt Book Publishing to name a few. 
Woman with a diverse background!
In 2004, joined the Florida Department of Children and Families as a Senior Attorney. She has served in a variety of positions within the child welfare system. To broaden her professional horizon, she worked as an Operations Manager for one of the Community Based Care agencies in Central Florida. She spent five years as the Central Region Criminal Justice Coordinator for the Florida Department of Children and Families where she was the region's subject matter specialist on missing children and human trafficking. In this position she was the liaison for local, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies on all missing child and human tracking cases. Today, she serves as the Chief Legal Officer for Kids Central Inc. which is the lead community based care agency for the Fifth Judicial Circuit.
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Witnessing first hand that people are overwhelmed, frustrated, and struggling for personal fulfillment, Veraunda realized it was time to bring her inspiring and creatively empowering messages to a wider audience by penning "Everything Has a Price" and taking her contagious blend of courage and determination to the people as one of the nation's top motivational speakers.Veraunda learned early on that each challenge provides a valuable lesson. She also quickly realized that you can either ignore the lessons and continue to pay the price, or learn them and succeed.   With a presentation filled with passion and enthusiasm, Veraunda's dynamic delivery is guaranteed to pull you in, causing you to think, feel, and most importantly act!
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